Little Adventures Princess Giovanna



You can help with the fight against childhood cancer!
100% of Little Adventures proceeds from the first 1000 Princess Giovanna Dresses sold will go to help Giovanna’s family with ongoing testing and care. After the first 1000 dresses have sold, 15% will continue to support childhood cancer charities.

When Giovanna was eight and a half months old, her mother noticed that her belly was swollen and hard. She took her to the doctor for what she thought would be a routine visit. After an ultrasound was performed on little Giovanna, it was confirmed that she had a large tumor that filled her entire abdomen. Her parents would learn that she also had tumors in her liver. Bone marrow biopsies showed disease in her bones as well.

Giovanna was diagnosed with stage IV neuroblastoma. Her family was quickly directed to the amazing doctors at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York. They were informed that the tumor would need to be removed with surgery. First however, they would need to try to shrink the tumor size with multiple rounds of chemotherapy. Tests would then determine the efficacy of the chemo The family waited anxiously for Giovanna’s scan results. It worked!
The tumor was 73% reduced! They would now need to allow her little body to recover enough to endure the dangerous surgery. In January 2017, Dr. LaQuaglia performed the life-saving surgery. After a 15 hour-long surgery, the main tumor was able to be completely removed. The tumors in her liver remain but are closely monitored. Giovanna has also had a birthmark on her arm that was found later and diagnosed as Mastocytosis. The many things that her body has been exposed to likely
caused a benign birthmark to develop into mastocytosis. The birthmark also is continually monitored.
This is where Little Adventures comes in, we want to help! Meet the Princess Giovanna dress. Giovanna designed this dress herself! She loves all the colors and so a rainbow color theme was chosen. She wanted it short enough that she could play in it. She also wanted it to twirl so that she could dance. We wanted it to have as much personality as she has…. so, we made it sparkle!
Giovanna’s bouncy red curls are a hint to her larger-than-life personality. Giovanna is spunky, happy and will light up the room with her sweet smile. She and her family continue to show the world that cancer will not define them. We have grown to love her and her family through this process and look to forward watching her live life to its fullest!! When you purchase you are helping Giovanna with her ongoing testing and care.
Thank you for helping us to help Giovanna and other children fight this terrible disease!!